Building a mischievous
Cocktail Brand
My Role
As a Senior Designer at Kakkoii, Soham's primary role was creating an inciting brand expression that directed him to work closely with internal interdisciplinary teams.
This was a team collaboration between Johny, Nishta and Soham. We built the brand's social presence across platforms, driving their go to market strategy both online and offline.
the miSchievOus
cocKtail brAnd fOr an
aNarcHist WorLd
who is thE tipSy tIger?
put yOur tiGer suit
& join hiM for an
eVening cocKtaiL!
hE’s no tiger.
but he suRe does
fEel like one!
he wOn’t shy aWay
from bEing your
reAlity check.
Reach out to me — or let’s just grab a coffee! ☕